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发布日期:2024-03-14    点击:

职称: 教授

学历/学位: 研究生/博士 硕导

研究方向: 力学及其交叉学科领域研究、交通流动力学、行人疏散动力学

学术兼职: 全国应急技术与管理联盟副理事长兼监事长;山西省青科协常务理事、科技管理及科学普及工作委员会副主任;中国职业安全健康协会校园安全健康专业委员会实验室安全专家;全国商业消防与安全协会专家

个人邮箱: lixingli80@163.com


1998.092002.07 山西师范大学物理与信息工程学院学习,获物理学学士学位



2008.072010.10 beat365官方登录入口应用科学学院,讲师

2010.112015.11 beat365官方登录入口应用科学学院,副教授

2015.122022.07   beat365官方登录入口应用科学学院,教授

2015.112016.11 美国奥本大学工学院土木系,访问学者

2022.08—至今  beat365中文官方网站,教授





● 省级获奖

2014年 智能交通非线性动力学特性及其控制研究,山西省科学技术奖自然科学二等奖(排名第一)

2013年 智能交通非线性动力学特性及其控制研究,山西省高等学校自然科学一等奖(排名第一)

2023年 分阶递进、多元协同、数智赋能:地方工科院校实践教学体系的构建与实践,山西省高等公司产品成果一等奖(排名第二)


2021年 地方院校工程力学一流本科人才“三位一体”培养模式的构建与实践,山西省高等学校教学成果一等奖(排名第一)

2018年 以提高工程实践能力为导向的工程力学专业建设研究,山西省高等学校教学成果一等奖(排名第三)


● 省级荣誉

2021年 山西省高校教学名师

2018年 山西省“三晋英才”之拔尖骨干人才

2018年 山西省模范教师

2015年 山西省学术技术带头人

2015年 山西省高等学校131领军人才之优秀中青年拔尖创新人才

2011年 山西省高等学校优秀青年学术带头人


● 校级获奖

2023年 分阶递进、多元协同、数智赋能:地方工科院校实践教学体系的构建与实践,beat365官方登录入口教学成果特等奖(排名第二)

2021年 地方院校工程力学一流本科人才“三位一体”培养模式的构建与实践,beat365官方登录入口教学成果特等奖(排名第一)

2021年 首届高校教学创新大赛一等奖:梁清香、李兴莉、张俊婷、李建宝,理论力学,beat365官方登录入口

2019年 深度融合思政教育的力学专业建设研究与实践,beat365官方登录入口校级教学成果二等奖(排名第四)

2017年 面向工程教育的工程力学专业建设研究,beat365官方登录入口校级教学成果一等奖(排名第三)


● 校级荣誉

2017年 beat365官方登录入口“优秀硕士学位论文指导教师”

2017年 “立足本职、爱岗敬业、干事创业、奋发有为,撸起袖子加油干的先进典型”

2017年 beat365官方登录入口“研究生思想政治教育先进导师”

2015年 beat365官方登录入口“优秀共产党员”

2012年 beat365官方登录入口“三育人”先进个人

2012年 beat365官方登录入口“年度优秀青年教师”

2011年 beat365官方登录入口“优秀班主任”

2011年 beat365官方登录入口中青年教师教学基本功竞赛三等奖

2011年 beat365官方登录入口“科尼”奖教金获得者

2010年 beat365官方登录入口“先进科技工作者”


● 主持的科研项目












● 主持的教研项目








● 主持的大创项目




● 教材







● 代表性SCI和EI英文期刊论文

1.Li Xingli, Zheng Jie, Tian Jiangtao, Ma Shanshan, and Kuang Hua,Effects of exit obstacles on the evacuation dynamics of blind people, International Journal of Modern Physics C. 2024: 2450069. (SCI)

2.Li Xingli, Geng Zhongfei, Kuang Hua, Bai Xuecen, and Fan Yanhong, Effect of dangerous source on evacuation dynamics in pedestrian counter flow, Physica A, 2019,533: 122047. (SCI)

3.Li Xingli, Guo Fang, Kuang Hua, Geng Zhongfei, and Fan Yanhong, An extended cost potential field cellular automaton model for pedestrian evacuation considering the restriction of visual field, Physica A, 2019,515: 47-56. (SCI)

4.Geng Zhongfei, Li Xingli*, Kuang Hua, Bai Xuecen, and Fan Yanhong, Effect of uncertain information on pedestrian dynamics under adverse sight conditions, Physica A, 2019,521: 681-691. (SCI)

5.Li Xingli, Guo Fang, Kuang Hua, and Zhou Huaguo, Effect of psychological tension on pedestrian counter flow via an extended cost potential field cellular automaton model. Physica A. 2017,487: 47-57. (SCI)

6.Li Xingli, Kuang Hua, Fan Yanhong, and Zhang Guoxin, Traffic Accidents on a Single-lane Road with Multi-slowdown Sections. International Journal of Modern Physics C. 2014,25(9): 1450036. (SCI)

7.Li Xingli, Guo Fang, and Kuang Hua, Influence of Reckless Jaywalking on Urban Road Traffic Capacity, The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal, 2014, 8, 734~738. (EI)

8.Li Xingli, Zhang Jian, and Li Zhipeng, The Lane Squeezing Behaviors in the Lane Reduction Bottleneck with an Optimal Velocity Model, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 2013, 7(3): 1111-1116. (EI)

9.Li Xingli, and Sun Kai, Simulation of Emergency Evacuation Considering the Strong Movement Ability for Some Students, Journal of Applied Sciences, 2013,13(14):2705-2709. (EI)

10.Li Xingli, Sun Kai, and Yang Chunxia, Students’ Evacuation Dynamic Characteristics in Canteen with a Modified Cellular Automata Model. Information Technology Journal, 2013,12(17):3952-3957. (EI)

11.Li Xingli, Kuang Hua., and Fan Yanhong., Lattice Hydrodynamic Model of Pedestrian Flow Considering the Asymmetric Effect, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2012,17(3): 1258-1263.  (SCI)

12.Li Xingli, Zhang Jian, Li Zhipeng, and Han Xianglin, Influence of Different Management Measures on Traffic Bottleneck Induced by the Reduction of Lanes, Information Technology Journal, 2012,11(3):388-391.

13.Li Xingli, Li Zhipeng, Han Xianglin, and Dai Shiqiang, Effect of the Optimal Velocity Function on Traffic Phase Transitions in Lattice Hydrodynamic Models, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2009,14(5): 2171-2177. (SCI)

14.Li Xingli, Song Tao, Kuang Hua, and Dai Shiqiang, Phase Transition on Speed Limit Traffic with Slope, Chinese Physics B, 2008,17(8):3014-3020. (SCI)

15.Li Xingli, Li Zhipeng, Han Xianglin, and Dai Shiqiang, Jamming Transition in Extended Cooperative Driving Lattice Hydrodynamic Models Including Backward-looking Effect on Traffic Flow, International Journal of Modern Physics C.2008,19(7):1113-1127. (SCI)

16.Li Xingli, Kuang Hua, Song Tao, Dai Shiqiang, and Li Zhipeng, New Insights into Traffic Dynamics: A Weighted Probabilistic Cellular Automaton Model, Chinese Physics B, 2008,17(7):2366-2372. (SCI)

17.Guo Fang, Li Xingli*, Kuang Hua, Bai Yang and Zhou Huaguo, An extended cost potential field cellular automata model considering behavior variation of pedestrian flow, Physica A. 2016, 462:630-640. (SCI)

18.Sun Kai, and Li Xingli*, Effect of Internal and External Layout in the Classroom on Students Emergency Evacuation, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2013,5(6):777-784. (EI)

19.Zhang Jian, Li Xingli*, Wang Rui, Sun Xiaosi. and Cui Xiaochao, Traffic Bottleneck Characteristics Caused by the Reduction of Lanes in an Optimal Velocity Model, Physica A. 2012,391(4):2381-2389. (SCI)

20.Kuang Hua, Yang Fenglan, Wang Meiting, Peng Guanghan, and Li Xingli*, Multi-Anticipative Average Flux Effect in the Lattice Hydrodynamic Model, IEEE Access, 2021,9:35279-35286. (SCI)

21.Kuang Hua, Lu Fanghua, Yang Fenglan, Peng Guanghan, and Li Xingli*, An extended car-following model incorporating the effects of driver's memory and mean expected velocity field in ITS environment, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2021,32(7): 2150095. (SCI)

22.Kuang Hua, Xu Zhipeng, Li Xingli, and Lo Siuming, An extended car-following model considering multi-anticipative average velocity effect under V2V environment, Physica A, 2019,527:121268. (SCI)

23.Kuang Hua, Xu Zhipeng, Li Xingli, and Lo Siuming, An extended car-following model accounting for the average headway effect in intelligent transportation system, Physica A, 2017, 471:778-787.  (SCI)

24.Kuang Hua, Xu Zhipeng, Li Xingli, and Lo Siuming, An extended car-following model accounting for the honk effect and numerical tests, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 87:149-157. (SCI)

25.Kuang Hua, Cai Meijing, Li Xingli, and Song Tao, Asymmetric Effect on Single-file Dense Pedestrian Flow. International Journal of Modern Physics C. 2015,26(6): 1550064. (SCI)

26.Kuang Hua, Zhang Guoxin., Li Xingli, and Lo Siuming, Effect of Slow-to-start in the Extended BML Model with Four-directional Traffic, Physics Letters A. 2014, 378(21):1455~1460.  (SCI)

27.Kuang Hua, Chen Tao, Li Xingli, and Lo Siuming, A New Lattice Hydrodynamic Model for Bidirectional Pedestrian Flow Considering the Visual Field Effect. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014,78(3):1709~1716.   (SCI)

28.Shi Wei, Wei Yanfang, and Li Xingli. A Safety Distance Design Model Based on Just Noticeable Difference. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 2011,11 (2):33~38. (EI)

29.Song Tao, Li Xingli, Kuang Hua, and Dong Liyun, A New Continuum Traffic Model with the Effect of Viscosity, Journal of Hydrodynamics. 2011, 23(2): 164~169. (SCI)

30.Kuang Hua, Li Xingli, Wei Yanfang, Song Tao, and Dai Shiqiang. Effect of Following Strength on Pedestrian Counter Flow, Chinese Physics B, 2010,19(7):070517. (SCI)

31.Kuang Hua, Song Tao, Dai Shiqiang, and Li Xingli. Subconscious Effect on Pedestrian Counter Flow in a Modified Lattice Gas Model with the Variable Transition Probability. International Journal of Modern Physics C.2009,20(12): 1945~1961. (SCI)

32.Han Xianglin, Li Xingli, and Jiang Changyuan, Modified Coupled Map Car-Following Model Based on Comprehensive Information of Preceding and Following Cars. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 2009 ,9(2):62~68. (EI)

33.Kuang Hua, Li Xingli, Song Tao, and Dai Shiqiang, Analysis of Pedestrian Dynamics in Counter Flow via an Extended Lattice Gas Model. Physical Review E, 2008, 78(6):066117. (SCI)

34.Li Zhipeng, Li Xingli, and Liu Fuqiang, Stabilization Analysis and Modified KdV Equation of Lattice Models with Consideration of Relative Current, International Journal of Modern Physics C. 2008,19(8):1163-1173. (SCI)

35.Kuang Hua, Song Tao, Li Xingli, and Dai Shiqiang, Subconscious Effect on Pedestrian Counter Flow, Chinese Physics Letters, 2008, 25(4): 1498-1501. (SCI)

36.Meng Jianping, Qian Yuehong, Li Xingli, and Dai Shiqiang, Lattice Boltzmann Model for Traffic Flow, Physics Review E, 2008,77: 036108. (SCI)


● 授权专利(第一发明人)

1. 一种计算机控制封闭场所单人进入的方法,2015年03月04日,中国,ZL201310145547.6

2. 一种易于识别的交通信号指示灯,2012年10月31日,中国,ZL201220100943.8

3. 一种移动应急交通指挥装置,2012年10月31日,中国,ZL201220100941.9